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摘    要:一、听力理解(本题共20分,每小题1分) A)在下列每小题内,你将听到一个句子并看到供选择的四个句子,找出与你所听到的那个在意思上最接近的答案( )1.A.Tomorrow is Saturday. B.Today is Monday. C.Yesterday was Wednesday. D.Today is Sunday.( )2.A.Tom bought a book. B.Tom bought a book,a pencil and a pen· C.Tom bought a pencil and a pen. D.Tom bought a book and a pen.-( )3.A.It's not long since he saⅥr his friend. B.He didn't know the{riend very well. C.He hasn't met his friend for a long time. D.H…

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