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摘    要:上海震旦大学是与圣约翰大学齐名的西方教会大学。在发展演变过程中,震旦大学从天主教大学逐步转变为一所世俗性的高等教育机构,而且具有鲜明的法国教育特色,反映了法兰西民族对文化教育事业的一贯重视。震旦大学在学科设置上与法国传统学科的呼应、对本国语言的重视,政府和工商界对文化活动的参与和支持,是法国从古至今一以贯之的传统,充分体现了植根于法兰西民族的一种文化禀性。震旦大学是近代中法教育交流史上的一项重要合作案例。

关 键 词:震旦大学  法国教育  法语文化

Aurora university and Chinese-French educational exchange
WANG Wei-jia. Aurora university and Chinese-French educational exchange[J]. Journal of Higher Education, 2008, 29(4): 92-98
Authors:WANG Wei-jia
Abstract:Aurora University of Shanghai is a western church university as famous as St.John's university.In its development and evolution process,Aurora gradually changed from a catholic university to a secular institution of higher education with distinctive characteristics of French education,which reflects the French nation has always attached great importance to education.Aurora having consistency with France discipline tradition in the setting of subjects,valuing national language,government and business community participating in and supporting cultural activities are consistent traditions in France from the past to today,and they have reflected a culture disposition rooted in French nation.Aurora University is an important cooperative case in the modern history of Chinese-French educational exchange.
Keywords:Aurora university  French education  French culture  
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