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Authors:Denis  Clare
Abstract:Academic mobility is up and running in the European Community. Beyond its borders, there are sign3 that non‐EC countries also do not want to be left out of what seems to be an important development. Hand on the heels of the Joint Study Programmes (1976‐1986), ERASMUS and COMETT have been launched albeit with limited budgets. Will their resources be sufficient to meet growing demand? What are the prospects for non‐Community countries that want to participate?.

This article assumes that the momentum for mobility will be greater than the resources available or predicted to meet it and that complementary strategies will have to be sought for and found if a great wave of enthusiasm for cooperation across borders is not to be frustrated. It describes the Council of Europe's recent initiatives in promoting transfrontier regional university cooperation, in various forms, and sees in them possible models for developing exchanges between regions on a modest flexible ad‐hoc basis.

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