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作者姓名:呼振璞  付晓明
摘    要:1. One Sunday, Jack's mother told him to go to his aunt's. It was quite far away, so his mother let him take some sandwiches along for his lunch. 星期天,妈妈让杰克到姑姑家去,因为路很远,妈妈让他带了一些三明治做午饭?2.O n the w ay to his aunts,he said tohim self as he walked,“M y aunt is sure togive m e a rich m eal.”在去姑姑家的路上,他一边走一边自言自语:“我的姑姑今天一定会招待我一顿美餐的。”3.Suddenly he saw som e sandwichesin his hand,he said,“W hats the use ofthese dry sandwiches?”A s…

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