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高二英语语言要点与高考考点(Units 13-15)
引用本文:胡扬朋.高二英语语言要点与高考考点(Units 13-15)[J].中学英语园地,2002(3).
摘    要:语言要点]1.Whether the other scientists would accept his ideas remained a ques-tion.(BⅡ,P5) 句中连词whether引导的是主语从句。通常情况下,这种主语从句位于句首,即位于谓语动词之前。例如:Whether it is true remains a question.(这件事是否真实,仍是个问题。)若主语从句太长,则整个句子会有“头重脚轻”之嫌,因此,我们常在谓语动词前面用it作形式主语,而把主语从句移到句尾。例如:It remainsa question whether he is able to prove this.(他是否能证明这一点仍然是个问题。)注意:在这种句子中不能用if引导主语从句。误:If we can stay with mymother is another matter.正:Whether we can stay with my mother is anothermater.(我们是不是能和我母亲住在一起,则是另一回事。)

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