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摘    要:1.Listen and match(听音并连线)14%/b:d//'k l//'m//g:l//sk:t//'m ir//'nd/m irror color girl bird skirt m otherunder2.L isten and num ber(听音并标号)10%3.L isten and choose(听音并选择)20%er4.L isten and tick or cross(听音并打√或画×)10%1.M r.Black gets up at5:30.()2.H e goes to work by bus.()3.H e teaches C hinese at school.()4.H e goes hom e at5:30.()5.A t10:30,he goes to bed.()5.R ead and draw(读对话,画笑脸或哭脸)8%6.R ead and fill in blanks(选词填空)14%w atches read goes gets eats lives w…

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