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引用本文:荆棘.2005年高考英语词汇测试[J].Reading and Writing(高中版),2005(4).
摘    要:1.重点词汇和短语 1 .90 through 2 .re8Ch dOWn _3 .Provide sb.with sth. 4 .90 baek 5 .in huge numbers 6 .the moment 7 .beworth do!ng/sth. 8 .h8Ve an effeCt on 9 .have trOUble with }10.onee in a while 1 1 .tear down 12.mskg 13.be inehains 14.tUrn日Wsy 丫15.be born+adl/n 16.beeome of sb./sth. 17.Pass through 18.日handfU!Of 19.give in 20 .take possession of H.完成下列句子 1 .The litt!e boy Ch{CkenS. got to feed the 细小男孩拿了一把米来喂小鸡。 2 .1 don !日m OUt of t knOW What Will WOFk. W…

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