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摘    要:(1) Nowadays,吐most every family has TVset,and almost 1._everyone hkes watching TV .TV hasl犯e~part ofour liVes .2,TV has nlany ady山1肠Lges,forex田nple,iti列Fomlsus the3,lastest news whieh 15 ha冈姆ni飞in the world;itcan opell our 4._ey璐,enl瑰e our kllowledge and a1SO help us toseemore 5.公力ut the worid.But,it also has sorne山跳记van-切唱咫·B刃ple 6._waste toomucht加ein肠ratchingTVan《lhisnonr过life 7.and work峨affected,Tothe南ld此n who theyspend too 8._mucht五ne in watehlngTV,it ea…

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