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Unit 22 A world of fun学习指导
引用本文:张敏.Unit 22 A world of fun学习指导[J].中学生英语,2006(16).
摘    要:一、词汇过关1.am use【用法】用作动词时,意为“使……高兴;使……感兴趣”。例如:The new toys am used the children.新玩具使孩子们很高兴。The teacher am used the children bytelling a story.老师讲故事逗乐了孩子们。W e were all highly am used by the co-m edian’s antics.小丑的滑稽表演逗得我们哈哈大笑。和反身代词连用时,表示“消遣;取乐;自娱;解闷”。例如:H e am used him self by reading m yster-ies.他阅读侦探小说消遣。H e am used him self by sketching.他以写生自娱。【拓展】am use的名词形式是am usem ent,…

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