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摘    要:邹韬奋先生是一位伟大的爱国主义、杰出的新闻工作。他一生对新闻事业情有独钟,创办了6刊1报,在没有言论自由的黑暗年代他立足于大众立场,从实际出发,以推动化的进步和民族的解放作为新闻工作的指导思想。他只有事业的热情,绝无个人的野心。新的社会制度赋予了邹韬奋先生为大众办报的思想以全新的内涵和丰富的内容,“三个代表”重要思想和“三贴近”报道原则的贯彻落实,必将推动着社会的全面进步和民族的伟大复兴。

关 键 词:邹韬奋  报刊思想  大众立场  《生活》周刊  新闻事业  三个代表  “三贴近”

On ZOU Tao-fen's Press Thoughts of Standing for the Public Permanently
Authors:TAN Shi-ping
Abstract:ZOU Tao-fen was a great patriot and outstanding journalist. He devoted to journalism all his life, established six magazines and one newspaper regardless of personal danger. It was especially commendable that he could stand for the public, proceed from the actual situation in the dark age without freedom of speech. He took the culture development and the national liberation as his guiding principle to engage in journalism. He didnt abuse the social credibility to him. No personal wild ambitious, but the interest of journalism. The new social system has given ZOU Tao-fens idea of press brard-new connotation and abuandant content. The implementation of the Three Representing Important Thought and the Three Connections report principle will push forward our society in whole and rejuvenate our nation.
Keywords:ZOU Tao-fen  the public  life  the three connections  
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