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摘    要:1.This is the departm ent_______ M rSm ith hasserved for30 years.A . in which B.what C .forwhich D .w hom2.Idon蒺tlike _______.A .young m en sm oke B .young m en sm okingC.young m en蒺ssm oke D .thatyoung m en sm oke3.W as itLondon _______ M arx m ade the base forhis revolutionary work?A .w here B.in which C.which D .that4.In the end they had to _____ to youropinion.A .give up B .give away C.give off D .give in5.So eagerly _____ to konw the resultofthe com petition thatshe wouldn蒺tgo …

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