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摘    要:杏Hehasa—habi七ofb林inghislipswhen heis妙z-zled. A. particular B.specific一C.peculiarD.general 2.She neverregrettedpay-ing$300for that furnitur仑.A台a matterof faet shewouldgladly卜avepaid_for it. A .asmueh twiee B.as twiee功ueh C .much astwice D.twiee as mueh 3Would yo廿Please send thenotetois in the offieeforme? A.whome帕r Bwhichever C .whoever D.no matterwho 4.1七was not until she hadarrivedholne sheremem-bered her即Pointment withthedOCtor. A.七hatB.when C .and D.where 5.Five minut…

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