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引用本文:黄宇. 新常态下政府主导科技体制改革深化的阶段性研究[J]. 科技管理研究, 2018, 0(8)
摘    要:根据新常态下国家中长期社会经济发展对科技创新的战略定位,立足宏观科技管理的基本规律,紧紧围绕科技与经济脱节的核心矛盾,具体阐述我国现行科技体制存在的问题及原因。在全面梳理党的十八大以来国家以转变政府职能和调整公共政策为抓手的系列关键举措及其成效基础上,从剖析现阶段科技体制改革深化的结构性本质入手,结合科技强国目标的实现,为后续工作的推进提出对策和建议。

关 键 词:新常态、政府职能、科技体制改革、结构性、强国战略

Mid-term Study of Deepening Reform of Science and Technology Mechanism Led by Government in Normal Status
Abstract:This paper elaborated existing problem and its structural cause of current national mechanism of science and technology in detail based on strategic positioning of scientific and technological innovation in national mid and long term economic and society development in normal status as well as basic principle of macro management of science and technology and core contradiction related to gap between economy development of science and technology. Furthermore, this paper provided detail counter measure and proposals for deepening reform of mechanism on basis of governmental function transformation and pubic policy adjustment as of 18th National Congress of CPC together with comprehensive analysis of current mechanism of science and technology reform.
Keywords:New  normal status, Government  function, Mechanism  reform of  science and  technology, Structure  contradiction, Strategy  of strengthening  country.
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