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引用本文:董顺擘. 日本决定加入TPP谈判的双层博弈分析--基于日经中文网①的相关报道[J]. 未来与发展, 2016, 0(5). DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1003-0166.2016.05.008
摘    要:日本通过国内、国际两个层次的博弈作出了加入TPP 谈判的决定。在国内层次上,日本政府主要通过制定农业改革政策、在TPP 谈判中要求设置“例外品种”等措施减轻了来自反对派“农协”的压力,并得到了产业界及国内民众的支持;在国际层次上,日本在得到不必在谈判之前事先承诺单方面取消所有关税,与美国确认双方存在应予以照顾的“敏感产品”的承诺的同时,也满足了美国要求日本开放农业、美国汽车业界要求的在谈判中维持美国的汽车进口关税、日本以简单手续扩大进口美国汽车等相关诉求。

关 键 词:双层博弈  TPP  “农协”  日本  美国  日经中文网

Two-level Game Analysis on the Japanese Decision of Attending TPP Negotiations---Based on the Related Reports on the Nikkei Chinese Website
Abstract:Japanese make the decision of attending TPP negotiations by analyzing two aspects of domestic and international situation. In domestic, Japanese government make the agricultural reform policy and ask for setting species exception in TPP negotiations to relieve the stress that is from the Agriculture Association. By this actions, they get the support of industries and national publics. At the international level, Japan get the commitments that they are not have to promise to cancel all the tariff before the negotiations and they affirm to give special care for the sensitive product with US. Meanwhile, they also meet the demands that US ask Japan to open agriculture, the US car industry want to maintain the car import tariff in negotiations and Japan need to expanding car imports from US.
Keywords:Two-level game  TPP  agriculture association  Japan  US  nikkei Chinese website
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