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Authors:RL  Thorn
Institution:Bristol Polytechnic
Abstract:The Communication module of the B.A. (Hons) Humanities modular degree at Bristol Polytechnic involves non‐Art & Design students in practical audio‐visual media work through ‘live’ projects undertaken for ‘clients’ in the community ‐‐ schoolteachers, social workers, charities, etc. ‐‐ the work being carried out in teams of between 2 and 5.

The theoretical base of the course is face‐to‐face interaction in real‐life situations such as the classroom and the television interview. The method of assessment here is to present examinees with selected communicative events on videotape and call for analysis and comparison, and evaluation of the theoretical approaches employed. This places a premium on students being able to apply theory directly to real‐life situations, rather than rehearse those theories in essay form.

The course is both intended by the staff and perceived by the students to be distinctly different from the other modules of an otherwise book‐based degree in providing for the essentially practical application of ideas and a basic introduction to alternative modes of communication. By means of the projects, drawn from a variety of sources far removed from the degree course and the institution, the analytical, research, and design skills of the students are applied in a realistic way to broaden their own perspectives and to be of lasting benefit within the community.

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