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巧弄机锋 辩丽横肆——《战国策》论辩技巧及其成因述要
引用本文:段幼平. 巧弄机锋 辩丽横肆——《战国策》论辩技巧及其成因述要[J]. 湘南学院学报, 2006, 27(1): 47-51
摘    要:《战国策》行文辩丽恣肆,文采雄隽华赋,充分反映了战国纵横捭阖的时代特点。受当时政治形势和社会思潮的影响,论辩成了说客策士们安身立命、博取功名富贵的一种工具,因此他们对论辩的技巧尤为重视和讲究。策士们运用夸饰铺陈、引史据典、深于取象、巧设寓言、针锋相对、连续发问等方法陈说事理、体情状物,虽各自独辟蹊径,异彩纷呈,但殊途同归,高超的论辩技巧令后学者叹为观止。

关 键 词:《战国策》  论辩  技巧  成因

Sophistic Refutations, Eloquent Debates--A Summary of the Debating Techniques in Tactics of the Warring Period
DUAN You-ping. Sophistic Refutations, Eloquent Debates--A Summary of the Debating Techniques in Tactics of the Warring Period[J]. Journal of Xiangnan University, 2006, 27(1): 47-51
Authors:DUAN You-ping
Abstract:Eloquent debating can be found everywhere in Tactics of the Warring Period.Literary grace reached its climax in Tactics of the Warring Period,which also expressed the most typical characteristic of this period of time of being able to manoeuvring among the different political groups.Influenced by the then political situations and social trend of thought,debating became the most basic means of getting one accepted and settled in a political group and the most effective way of achieving success.Therefore,those statesmen concerned a lot about the tactics of debating.They took advantage of all the possible rhetoric means to reinforce their argumentation such as exaggeration,allusions,questioning, etc.in the purpose of getting himself convinced.
Keywords:Tactics of the Warring Period  debating  technique  cause  
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