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Unit 7 Cultural relics课本要点精练
引用本文:龚东升.Unit 7 Cultural relics课本要点精练[J].中学生英语,2006(28).
摘    要:Ⅰ.单词拼写根据句意和所给的汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词的正确形式。1.The red lines on the m ap(表示)railroads.2.Scientific theories m ust be(以……为基础)on facts.3.Your flight,hotel and m eals are all(包括)in the price of thisholiday.4.The old hotel(烧)down yearsago and was never rebuilt.5.She was one of the fam ous(美人)of the last century.6.Let us(团结)against thecom m on enem y.7.The new law will reduce(污染)of the air.8.Our holidays are(限制)to twoweeks a year.9.The accident did very littl…

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