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摘    要:自1959年我国运动员容国团为中国夺得世界乒乓球锦标赛的第一枚金牌至今,已整整40年。在这40年中,中国乒乓球队经过艰苦奋斗,顽强拼搏,一直从总体上保持着世界领先地位,这在世界竞技体育史上是绝无仅有的。形成这种长期的整体优势的原因是多方面的,但其中很重要的一条经验是,中国乒乓球界长期本着实事求是、“一切从零开始”的态度,锐意创新进取,科学地认识乒乓球运动的发展规律,从而施以合理、有效的训练方法和手段。

关 键 词:中国  乒乓球  科学训练  竞技优势

Retaining the Dominant position of Chinses Table-tennis and Furthering Renovation and Scientific Training
Affiliation:(Administation Center of Tabletennis and Badminton Affiliated to theNational administration of Sports and Physical Culture
Abstract:It has been 40 years since the Chinese tabletennis team got the first gold medel in 1959, during which Chinese team has always dominated the world tabletennis field by hard working and continuous efforts. All these achievests will encourage the team to makegreater efforts in the years to come to achieve more.
Keywords:China tabletennis scientific training dominant position  
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