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摘    要:从70年代起,人类社会就开始经历一场新的技术革命。这场革命不仅在极大地改变各国的经济结构和社会结构,也使不同国家的综合国力从要素、结构、功能到运行模式不断发生着深刻变动。本文正是着眼综合国力发展的全方位分析,围绕科技、经济、资源、生态、社会的自组织调适,大胆提出了综合国力运作及其增长过程的可控制性,可操作化原理与方法,把综合国力发展中的决策决断、预测预警和各种宏微观变量调控一并纳入相应的程序化目标管理系统,做到定性定量结合,充分体现综合国力增长的大协调、非线性和与国际关系现实逼近的时代特征

关 键 词:综合国力  协调发展  预警和调控

A Coordinated Development of Synthetic National Strength,Related Policy Decisions,Precautionary Measures & Regulation of Micro-or Macro-variables
Abstract:Since the 1970s,a new technological revolution has been seen making its debut from the human society It not only brings in cataclymic changes in both economic operation and social structure in most countries over the world,but also gives rise to deep-going reshuffle in their synthetical national strength,involving various factors such as fundamental elements,structural layout,functions and operational patterns Aiming at an all-round analysis of the synthetic national strength with the aid of approaches barrowed from the theories of automatic self-organization and readjustment of S&T undertakings,economy,resources,ecology and society,the author develops principles and methods of controllability and maneuverability in the operating and growing processes of the synthetic national strength,putting related policy decision,predictions,precautionary measures and regulation of various macroscopic and microscopic variables into a procedural system for achieving the preset targets By integrating qualitative analysis with quantitative analysis,the approcah reveals the innate characteristics of our era,which features the multi-object teamwork,non-linearity and real-time approximation to the international relations when the synthetic national strength is in the increase
Keywords:synthetic national strength  coordinated development  precautionary warning  regulation and control
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