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摘    要:录音材料狐炸s,夕心碑。劝启抓卒脚琳钟扣以her sister? L听录音一遍,在你所听到的内容的标号上画圈。 1 .doing one,5 houseworkZ·Playing withhim 3.It’s threetwelve.4.whendo·yougothere? 5 .llike it a little.6.rrheman认reading some功ing. 7.There 15 a desk near the bed. 8.1 sometimesgo to workby加s- 9 .They usually have lunch at twelve. 10.Can you seeashiPunderthebridge? 1 l.Howlongdoesittakehimtog以tohisfarmbybus? 12.MrGt七enhadafreedayyester如y. 13.1 think theboyisbetternow· 14.YOu’d忱tterfill…

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