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作者文献耦合分析与作者关键词耦合分析比较研究: Scientometrics实证分析
引用本文:宋艳辉,武夷山. 作者文献耦合分析与作者关键词耦合分析比较研究: Scientometrics实证分析[J]. 中国图书馆学报, 2014, 40(1): 25-38
作者姓名:宋艳辉  武夷山
作者单位:杭州电子科技大学管理学院,中国科学技术信息研究所,浙江 杭州 310018;中国科学技术信息研究所,北京 北京 100038
摘    要:本文以Scientometrics 1991—2010年间刊载的2,045篇论文作为数据样本,分两个时间段研究这20年间科学计量学的知识结构与演进状况,并以此来研究作者文献耦合分析法(ABCA)与作者关键词耦合分析法(AKCA)在揭示学科领域知识结构方面的异同。研究发现,2001—2010年间的科学计量学的知识结构要比1991—2000年间的更加清晰明朗,其研究主题之间更为亲密,相互作用力明显要强。作者排名相关分析、研究主题探测、余弦相似度计算、研究主题变迁等均显示,AKCA与ABCA存在高度相关性;通过因子分析的模型拟合、研究主题的探测与变迁分析,又显示二者略有不同,ABCA可以探寻到比AKCA更多的研究主题,AKCA比ABCA能显示更多的信号来反映学科的技术突破以及研究前沿的进展。因此ABCA与AKCA不可互相替代,二者结合起来是探寻学科知识结构及其发展的理想研究方法。图4。表6。参考文献25。

关 键 词:作者文献耦合分析  作者关键词耦合分析  科学计量学

A Comparative Study on Author Bibliographic-coupling Analysis and Author Keyword-coupling Analysis Based on Scientometrics
Song Yanhui and Wu Yishan. A Comparative Study on Author Bibliographic-coupling Analysis and Author Keyword-coupling Analysis Based on Scientometrics[J]. Journal of Library Science In China, 2014, 40(1): 25-38
Authors:Song Yanhui and Wu Yishan
Abstract:Taking 2,5papers published in Scientometrics from 1991to 2010as a sample and by dividing them into 2groups according to different time periods, we study the knowledge structure and evolution of Scientometrics during these 20years,and then the two methods for disciplinary structure analysis:author bibliographic-coupling analysis(ABCA) and author keyword-coupling analysis(AKCA).We find that the knowledge structure of Scientometrics between 2001and 2010is more clear than that between 1991and 2000, the relationship among research topics of the former is closer and the interaction force of the former is stronger. Related analysis of authorranking, exploration of reserach topics, calculation of cosine similarity and changes of research topics all show that there are both high correlation and slight difference between ABCA and AKCA with the former exploring more research topics and the latter displaying more signals to reflect technological breakthroughs and the development of research front in the disciplines. A combination of the two methods is proposed in exploring disciplinary structure and development.4figs.6tabs.25refs.
Keywords:Author bibliographic-coupling analysis  Author keyword-coupling analysis  Scientometrics
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