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引用本文:李卫锋. 提高大树移植成活率的技术要点[J]. 大众科技, 2012, 0(8): 178-179
作者单位:驻马店市园林管理局,河南 驻马店 463000
摘    要:驻马店位于河南中南部,地处北亚热带与暖温带的过渡地带,同时具有南方和北方的气候特点,随着城镇化进程的不断推进和驻马店市城市建设水平的提高,大树被越来越多地应用于各类园林绿地中。结合当地气候、土壤、光照等自然条件与目前城市园林绿化状况,从大树移植成活率低的原因分析、移植前后过程注意要点等方面介绍大树移栽的技术要点,以供参考。

关 键 词:驻马店地区  园林绿化  大树移植  成活率  技术要点

The technical key points of improving big tree transplanted survival rate
Abstract:with the development of the urbanization process,the tree is widely applied in all kinds of botanical garden space.Combined with the local climate,soil,light and the present situation of urban landscaping,the technical key points of trees transplantation were introduced from the cause of low survival rate and transplantation process for your reference.
Keywords:Landscaping  The tree transplantation  The survival rate  Technical key points
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