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引用本文:柳博赟. 达尔文的宗教观[J]. 科学文化评论, 2014, 11(5): 24-38
摘    要:本文是对达尔文的宗教观演化过程的考证。达尔文早年的时候是正统的圣公会信徒,并且在剑桥大学接受神学教育,预备出任神职。但他毕业之后并没有直接成为神职人员,而是随"猎犬号"出海,在南美、澳洲等地进行科学考察。航行归来之后,达尔文渐渐对正统基督教教义产生了怀疑。在心爱的女儿不幸夭折之后,他放弃了对位格上帝的信仰,成为了自然神论者。《物种起源》就是出版于这个时期。到了晚年,达尔文对创造者上帝的信仰也淡化以至于无有,成为了不可知论者。他虽然有的时候仍然倾向于相信超自然上帝的存在,但并未回归正统基督教信仰。

关 键 词:达尔文  宗教观  圣公会  位格上帝  不可知论

The Evolution of Charles Darwin's Religious Conviction
LIU Boyun. The Evolution of Charles Darwin's Religious Conviction[J]. , 2014, 11(5): 24-38
Authors:LIU Boyun
Abstract:This article is an examination of the evolution of Charles Darwin's religious conviction. In his early years, Darwin was an Orthodox Anglican. He studied theology at Cambridge, and was seeking ordination. However, he did not become a clergyman after graduation. Instead, he went on a scientific expedition with HMS Beagle, sailing to places like South America and Australia. After returning to Britain, he started to have doubts over Christian doctrines. After the unfortunate death of his beloved daughter Anne, he stopped believing in a personal God and became a Deist This was when The Origin of Species was written. In his later years, Darwin gradually gave up the idea of God the Creator, and became an agnostic. Although there were moments when he was still inclined towards the existence of a supernatural God, he never returned to the orthodox Christian faith .
Keywords:Darwin   religious conviction   the Anglican Church   personal God   agnosticism
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