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作者姓名:吴光云  刘锦
摘    要:A.单词拼写真题回放: 根据下列句子及所给汉语注释,在横线上写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。(每空只写一词) 66.When the queen is at home,the flag would be raised on top of her——(宫殿). 67.The two friends——(分享)all that they had when they were studying abroad. 68.Few students in my class can——(付得起)a trip to New Zealand. 69.Oliver was unable to give police a——(描述) of his attacker. 70.You will be better accepted if you can speak more ——(自然地)in public. 71.The little girl got——(分开)from the group in the dark. 72.The day after——(圣诞节)is called Boxing

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