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引用本文:孙清玲. 试述清前期台湾番界的设防措施[J]. 福建师大福清分校学报, 2007, 0(1): 19-22
摘    要:该论文是"清政府与台湾的土地开发"课题的系列论文之一.台湾的大规模开发始于清代,清政府的移民政府、民族政策、土地政策和赋税政策对台湾的土地开发均产生深刻的影响.清领台湾之初,大部分土地控制在台湾土著、即所谓的"番族"手里,台湾汉民开发领域的扩大的过程,实际上就是与番社"争地"的过程.台湾番族根据其汉化程度,有生、熟番之分,在清领台湾之后的很长一段时间里,清政府将生番视为化外之人,并将他们划在"界"外,不许民人越界私垦,以启衅端.但清政府的防番战略遏制不了台湾开发的步伐,清中期出现了大面积的界外土地开发,"牡丹社事件"之后,清政府看清日本企图侵略台湾的狼子野心,决定开山抚番,开发台湾东部及深山地带.本文主要论述同光以前,清政府的防番战略举措,它对清前期台湾的土地开发产生了一定的负面影响.

关 键 词:清政府  台湾  番社  民族政策  土地开发

A Discussion of the Defense Strategy of Taiwan Aborigine lands in the Early Qing Dynasty
SUN Qingling. A Discussion of the Defense Strategy of Taiwan Aborigine lands in the Early Qing Dynasty[J]. Journal of Fuqing Branch of Fujian Normal University, 2007, 0(1): 19-22
Authors:SUN Qingling
Abstract:The paper is one of the serial theses on "Qing Government and Land Development in Taiwan".The extensive land development of Taiwan dated back to Qing Dynasty,whose policies on migration,ethnic affairs,land and levying exerted deep influence on the land development in Taiwan.During the early ruling period of Qing Government,most land was controlled by original Taiwan inhabitants,i.e.the so-called aborigine.The enlargement of land development of Han people in Taiwan was,in fact,a fight for land against the aboriginal community.The aborigine in Taiwan can be divided into two groups: complete aborigine and Chinesizing aborigine,according to their different extents of Chinesizing.In a very long time after Qing Government set jurisdiction in Taiwan,the central government,taking the complete aborigine as the uncivilized nation,prohibited the Han locals to row out-of-bounds in case of any provocations.After the Peony Club Incident,Qing Government,getting a clear realization of Japan's attempts to invade Taiwan,became determined to exploit the east part and remote mountainous areas in Taiwan and to take measures to comfort the aborigine.The paper expounds the strategies of Qing Government to defend the aborigine before the rein of Tongzhi and Guangxu,and its negative impacts on the land development of Taiwan in early Qing period.
Keywords:Qing Government  Taiwan  Aboriginal community  Ethnic affairs policy  Land development  
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