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摘    要:Why the sun lightens our hair,but darkensour skin?为什么太阳能把头发晒浅,却能把皮肤晒黑?Why women can't put on mascara with theirmouth closed?为什么女人涂睫毛膏的时候,要张着嘴呢?Why don't you ever see the headline!"Psy-chic Wins Lottery"?为什么你从来没见过头版头条写“算命大师中大奖”呢?Why is"abbreviated"such a long word?为什么“缩写”是这么长的一个单词?Why is it that doctors call what they do"practice"?为什么医生们管他们所做的事情叫做“实习,实践”?Why is it that to stop Windows98,you haveto…

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