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引用本文:梁燕婷. 论公司人格[J]. 安阳师范学院学报, 2003, 0(1): 31-33
摘    要:本文就公司独立人格--有限责任制度进行了深入分析,详细论证了此制度确立之后对于推动经济增长和资本积累、促使所有权与经营权相分离、繁荣证券市场等方面所起的积极作用,同时,分析了公司独立人格--有限责任制度的负面影响,即带来了不可忽视的“公司问题”,从而引进了国外“刺破公司面纱”理论。最终指出,公司人格独立制度仍有其存在的价值,不能予以绝对的否认。我们可以将公司人格否认制度之对立性要素因势利导地纳入公司制度内部,使股东与债权人有一定程度上达成权利的相对平衡,从而促进整个公司制度的完善与发展。

关 键 词:公司人格独立制度 公司人格否认制度 有限责任制度 现代企业制度 公司制度 《公司法》

A study on the Corporation's Personality
Abstract:This article makes a thorough about the corporation,s idependent personality-the system of limited liability;proves in detail the positive effects of the system on propelling the economic development and the capital accumulation,on impelling the separation of the ownership form the managerial authority,and on prospering the stock market.At the same time,this article analyses as well the negative effects of the corporation,s independent personality-the system liability.That is to say,it brings about the serious"problem of corporations"that can,t be ignored,so "the foreign theory of piercing the corporation,s veil"has been introduced.This article points out that the system of the corporation,s independent personality still has its own value to exist,and that it can,t be categorically denited.We can bring the opposite elements of the personality-denied system into the inside system of the corporation according to circumstances.As a result,stockholders and creditors can reach the matual balance of rights in some degree.Thus,it can bring about the inprovement and development of the corporation,s whole systems.
Keywords:The System of limited liability  The principle of piercing the corporation  s veil  The corporation  s independent personality  The corporation  s personality-denited.
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