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作者姓名:Michael  Pollan
摘    要:你太祖母不认可的食物可千万别吃。想象一下,要是你的祖辈们在一家现代超市里,他们将会多么地困惑:像环氧树脂一样的管装Go—Gurt乳酪食品,奇异的新鲜夹心面包Twinkies.配药不明的维他命水。那些完全不是食物,但它们属于食物产品。历史表明你也许希望再等大约几十年才将这些新奇物品纳入你的日常饮食当中,黄油的替代品人造黄油就是一个典型的例子。我母亲曾预言“那些人”最终会发现还是黄油更适合。她是对的:反式脂肪人造黄油正置我们于死地。选择食物吧,回避食物产品。

关 键 词:健康饮食  人造黄油  环氧树脂  日常饮食  食物  维他命  替代品  产品

Six Rules for Eating Healthily
Authors:《Today:Bilingual Time》
Abstract:Don't eat anything your great-greatgreat grandmother wouldn't recognize as food. Imagine how baffled your ancestors would be in a modern supermarket:the epoxy-like tubes of Go-Gurt, the preternaturally fresh Twinkies, the vaguely pharmaceutical Vitamin Water. Those aren't foods, quite; they're food products. History suggests you might want to wait a few decades or so before adding such novelties to your diet, the substitution of margarine for butter be- ing the classic case in point. My mother used to predict "they" would eventually discover that butter was better for you.
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