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引用本文:何爱霞. 我国成人高等教育办学机构的嬗变及趋向[J]. 现代远程教育研究, 2012, 0(4): 21-27
作者单位:曲阜师范大学博士后流动站 山东曲阜 273165
摘    要:基于社会发展的视角,审视新中国成立以来,成人高等教育办学机构的嬗变历程,大体上可以划分为创建与探索、破坏与扭曲、恢复与整顿、改革与发展四个具有不同特点的发展阶段。成人高等教育办学机构不断发展的影响和推动因素主要是我国经济社会的进步和国家政策的导向。改革开放以来,科学技术的发展也越来越成为推动成人高等教育办学机构发展的重要动因,其中内在的动力是成人自身对成人教育的需求。在高等教育大众化的新形势下,我国成人高等教育办学机构必须变革原有的思路,摆脱“封闭办学”理念桎梏,完成发展战略从外延式扩张向内涵式发展的蜕变,办学重点从发展学历教育逐步向非学历教育转移,随着现代信息技术的进步而不断拓展成人教育机构办学形态空间,尤其应当完善扩大办学自主权的管理体制。

关 键 词:成人高等教育  办学机构  历史嬗变  发展动因  发展趋向

The Historical Evolution and Trends of Adult Higher Education Institutions in China
He Aixia. The Historical Evolution and Trends of Adult Higher Education Institutions in China[J]. Modern Distance Education Research, 2012, 0(4): 21-27
Authors:He Aixia
Abstract:From the social development perspective, the evolutionary process of China’s adult higher education institutions since 1949 can be divided into four different stages: Establishment and exploration, destruction and distortion, restoration and regulation, and reform and development. The major influencing and promoting factors of adult higher education institutions are China’s economic and social progress and national policy guidance. Since the reform and opening-up, the development of science and technology has become an increasingly important motivation for the progress of adult higher education institutions, and the education demands of adults are the internal drive. Under the new situation of the popularization of higher education, China’s adult higher education institutions should reform the original thought, get rid of the shackles of the "closed school" concept, complete the transformation of the development strategy from extensive expansion to connotation development, transfer the educational focus from academic education to non-academic education in steps, expand the school-running space with the advancement of modern information technology, and last but not the lest, perfect the management system of the expanding school-running autonomy.
Keywords:Adult Higher Education  Education Institution  Historical Evolution  Development Motivation  Development Trend
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