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引用本文:卢德明 艾康伟. 我国优秀女子举重选手挺举技术分析[J]. 体育科学, 1993, 13(3): 79-81
作者姓名:卢德明 艾康伟
作者单位:国家体委体育科研所,国家体委体育科研所,国家体委体育科研所 北京 100061,北京 100061,北京 100061
摘    要:
使用两台 PHOTO-SONICS IPL 型16mm 高速同步摄影机,拍摄了1990年北京第11届亚运会女子举重比赛我国9名参赛选手(其中7名世界纪录创造者,1名世界锦标赛冠军)的挺举技术影片,通过对影片的解析、分析,得出如下结论:1.通过分析对比找出女选手挺举技术与男选手的差别;2.9名女选手相比,施文的技术较好,黄晓瑜的技术有较大的改进潜力;3.膝关节的最佳发力角和运动幅度与膝关节肌的功能以及人体整体姿势和总体负荷有关。

关 键 词:女性 举重 三维分析 挺举

Three Dimensional Analysis of the Jerk Techniques of Chinese Elite Female Weightlifters
Lu Deming,et al.. Three Dimensional Analysis of the Jerk Techniques of Chinese Elite Female Weightlifters[J]. China Sport Science, 1993, 13(3): 79-81
Authors:Lu Deming  et al.
The pictures of the jerk techniques of nine female weightlifting champions (including seven world record holders andone world championship medalist) were taken at the 11th Asian Games held in Beijing by synchronous filming with twoPHOTO-SONICS 1PL 16mm high speed cameras.Through the analysis and comparison of the three dimensional films,wefound that there were dffferences between female and male weightlifters in jerk techniques.The raising distance of the barof female weightlifters exceeded the normal range,which resulted in the greater distance in downward movement and morewaste of power.This showed that female weightlifters had greater potential for improvement.Compared with maleweightlifters,the speed of initial knees bend and jerk of female weightlifters was faster,producing a better performance.We also found that the optimum knee joint angle of first pull and the range of angle movement not only depended on thefunctional status of the knee muscle,but also closely related to the whole body and the total weight load.
Keywords:female weightlifting  three dimensional analysis  jerk technique  the optimum angle of first pull.
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