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摘    要:1、地球自转致使南半球水流旋涡呈逆时针旋转Water drains backwards in the Southem Hemisphere due to the Earth’s rotation Not only is the Earth’s rotation too weak to affect the direction of water flowing in a drain.tests you can easily perform in a few washrooms will show that water whirlpools both ways depending on the sink’s structure,not the hemisphere.抽水马桶冲水时,水流会产生一个旋涡流下排水空。有理论称,在北半球,水流旋涡是朝顺时针方向的;而在南半球,则是逆时针旋转的。而之所以出现这种现象,是由于地球自转的缘故。其实,地球自转的作用很微弱,因此难以影响水流动的方向。你可以在一些盥洗室中轻易地验证这一点,无论是逆时针还是顺时针,水流旋涡的方向取决于水槽的结构,而非南北半球。

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