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作者姓名:Tara  Adams
摘    要:" Each age has its own follies (罪恶), as its majority is made up of foolish young people. "-Ralph Waldo EmersonAhhh, lighten up, Ralph. You're taking this fad(时尚) thing way too seriously.Fads are supposed to be fun. They're crazy hairstyles, wild clothes, outrageous dance moves, 15-minute phenomena. . .And nothing launches a fad like hit movies, big TV shows or hot sounds, which makes this collection pretty much the definitive pop-culture time line for an entire century.Some of these fads will make you cringe(畏缩), others will make you long for zanier times. But they all have one thing in common: Each caused a huge sensation during its brief run-and that's something even Emerson should be able to get behind.

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