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摘    要:从前在中国北部的边塞住着一位老人。有一天,他的马跑人了北方部落的领地,人们都很同情他,来安慰他。“也许这很快会变成好事,”老人说。几个月后,他的马回来了,令人吃惊的是,那匹马还带回来一匹马。“恭喜你!这匹新马相当不错!”所有人都这样说。“也许这正是不幸的开始,”老人说。但他留下了这两匹马。

关 键 词:小学  英语  课外阅读  阅读材料

Blessing or Curse
Abstract:Once upon a time near China's northern borders (边境), there lived an old man. One day, his horse ran into the territory (领域) of the northern tribes (部落). Everyone felt sorry for him and came to comfort him. "Perhaps this will soon turn out to be a blessing," said the old man. After a few months, to everyone's surprise(使…感到震惊),his horse came back with another horse. "Congratulations (祝贺)! The new horse is pretty (非常) good!" said everyone.
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