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President Lu Advances Suggestions for TWAS Development
摘    要:CAS President Lu Yongxiang,who is also TWAS vicepresident, offered a six-pointproposal for the future developmentof the Third World Academy of Sci-ences (TWAS) while addressing theopening ceremony of the TWAS2003 Meetings held on Oct. 16 inBeijing.Lu noted TWAS has played anextremely important role in promot-ing South-South and South-Northcooperation over the past 20 years.Today, in the context of an increas-ingly globalized yet polarized world,and in this era of knowledge-basedeco…

关 键 词:第三世界科学院  科研管理  学术交流  科学技术

President Lu Advances Suggestions for TWAS Development
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