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摘    要:What’s a desert(沙漠)like?It’s an endlesssea of sand.许多耐旱的动植物生活在那里。Some-times you can see an oasis(沙漠绿洲).It’s usuallyvery dry.It never rains oronly rains a little.It’s hotduring the day and cold atnight.去沙漠旅游,一定要带上冬衣!什么是绿洲?沙漠里有水并长出很多花草树木的地方就是绿洲。An oasis is alwayssmall.It is very importantto both people and animals.人们把绿洲比作沙漠的“珍珠”。沙漠中的植物仙人柱仙人柱有庞大的根系。The roots collectwater after rain.由根部吸收的水份储存在茎干里。The water keeps it alive until the nextrain.仙人球仙人球有很多褶皱。When it rains,itgets bigger and can store(储存)more water.干旱时...

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