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摘    要:第十四届中国国际高新成果交易会2012年11月16-21日在深圳会展中心隆重举行。本届高交会的主题为“推进科技创新,提升发展质量”,设有“高新技术成果交易、高新技术专业产品展、中国高新技术论坛、super-SUPER专题活动、高新技术人才与智力交流会、永不落幕的交易会”六大板块活动,参展商近3000家,总展览面积超过11万平方米。全国省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市以及香港、澳门、台湾地区均组团参展。美国、俄罗斯、德国、韩国、新加坡、比利时、匈牙利、印度等20个国家33个外国展团参展,其中伊朗、新西兰、印度等国多个机构首次组团参展。高交会秉持自主创新,转型升级,突出战略性新兴产业的新技术新产品,搭建展示和交易平台。

关 键 词:深圳职业技术学院  交易会  中国  国际  高新技术成果  会展中心  科技创新  技术论坛

Brief Introduction to Research Achievements of Shenzhen Polytechnic Presented on the Fourteenth China Hi-Tech Fair
Abstract:4-Wheel Independent Drive and Independent Steering Electric Vehicle
4-wheel independent drive and independent steering electric vehicle adopts hub motor to drive cars. Four wheels on their own are four motors, so each wheel can drive the car individually. The driving system can make the car work in a state of front wheel drive, rear wheel drive, front wheel drive, one side drive and single wheeldrive. 4-wheel independent drive and independentsteering electric vehicle uses four independent steering motors to control the angles of four wheels steering individually. The steering system is characterized by steering functionssuch as lateral movement (fig. a), slope movement (fig. b), steering around the arbitrary set turning center (fig. c) and pivot steering (fig. d). This product has been granted three national patents.
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