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摘    要:inin→在(某范围或某空间)内。例如:The telephone is in my study.电话在我书房里。Which hotel shall we stay in?我们住哪个旅馆?Don’t stand in the rain.别站在雨里。What were you doing in the South?你在南方干什么?He was standing in a queue.他在排队(买东西)。Let’s go up in the lift.咱们坐电梯上去吧!in→在(一段时间)内。例如:Rome was not built in a day.罗马不是一天建成的。(谚)Do you work in the day time or at night?你是白天工作还是夜间工作?I return to China in the middle of Octo-ber.我十月中旬回到中国。注意:介词in有时也可表示“……之后”。例如:I’ll come round in a day or two.我一两天就回来。We’ll be back in no time.我们一会儿就回来。in→进入;放入,意思接近into...

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