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摘    要:事物普遍具有两重性特性,据此剖析网络舆论,可知其具有信息内容的客观实在性和强烈的主体倾向性、信息传布的受控性和自主性、舆论关注点的散布性和聚敛性、信息传布动因上的社会进步性和与民众诉求的不同步性。由这种两重性可得到调控网络舆论的若干有益启示,这对推进网络环境下的政府工作和社会改革大有裨益。
In general,all things have dual character. From this point of view,online opinion has a series of dual character such as objective reality and strong subjective preference in information content,being controlled and autonomy in information dissemination,divergence and convergence in public concern,and social progress in the motivation of information dissemination and asynchrony in people's claim. From these dualities,we can obtain a good deal of useful enlightenment for the control of online opinion,which is of great benefit to the improvement of government work and social reform in the network environment.

关 键 词:网络舆论  两重性  比较分析
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