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引用本文:惠联芳. 夹缝中的生存——罗隐生存状态析论[J]. 河西学院学报, 2004, 20(6): 45-47
摘    要:罗隐是晚唐五代的一位作家,在晚唐五代充满绝望的叹息声中,他以“忠义气节”为人生坐标,对晚唐五代不合理的现象进行无情的嘲讽,表现出高标的人格。在坎坷的一生中,他始终在张扬个性与顺应社会世俗之间徘徊,其生存充满着困惑与矛盾,他有桀骜不驯的个性,也有着独立的思想和理想化的政治主张。但是他的政治主张的实现,须依附于社会。罗隐为了在科举中取得一席之位,迫不得已顺应潮流,四处干谒权贵,在这个过程中他的内心是苦闷的。在科举考试屡遭失败后,他入钱镠幕府,个性稍有收敛,但生存的困惑与矛盾仍存在着。

关 键 词:罗隐  困惑  矛盾

The existence got in crack-In terms of Lo Yin''s existence
HUI Lian-fang. The existence got in crack-In terms of Lo Yin''s existence[J]. Journal of Hexi University, 2004, 20(6): 45-47
Authors:HUI Lian-fang
Abstract:Lo Yin was a writer during Later Tang Dynasty and Wu Dai Dynasty, when the society was full of desperate sigh. while Lou Yin aimed at faith. He ridiculed the unfair society, which expressed noble and unsullied society. In his lifetime of frustrations, he always wandered from a strong character to common customs. His life was filled with wonder and contradiction.was obstinate and unruly He stood for ideal political proposition. But the realigation of the proposition should rely on the society. Thus he was forced to visit the noble. After the failure in imperial examination, he entered the commanding general in ancient China of Qian Liu. At that time, his personality restrained a little, but the agony wasn't relieved.
Keywords:Lo Yin  puzzled  contradiction  
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