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How to Design an English Test Paper
引用本文:TianShiguo. How to Design an English Test Paper[J]. 山东教育学院学报, 2003, 18(4): 85-89
作者单位:Shandong Education
摘    要:EnglishtestsareaveryimportantpartintheteachingofEng lishlanguage .ThetwoaspectsconcernedwithEnglishtestsare :howtoprepareforthetestsforthestudentsorotherexamineesandhowtodesignEnglishtestpapersforteachersofEnglishorotherdesignersofEnglishtestpapers .Generally ,inordertotelltheirstudentshowtopassvariousEnglishexaminations ,teachersofEnglishpaymoreattentiontotheformerandlessattentiontothelatter .Thispaper,withtheintentionofmainlyfavoringthoseinex perienceddesignersofEnglishtestpapers ,willtel…

关 键 词:英语水平测试 试卷设计 英语教学 能力考核

How to Design an English Test Paper
Tian Shiguo. How to Design an English Test Paper[J]. Journal of Shandong Education Institute, 2003, 18(4): 85-89
Authors:Tian Shiguo
Abstract:It is quite necessary for teachers of E nglish to know the basic knowledge and techniques about how to design good Engli sh test papers. To meet this necessity, this paper first tells of the basic prin ciples and requirements of designing English test papers, then the procedures, a nd, at last, the characters of some test questions and the techniques when desig ning them.
Keywords:English test  grade test  proficiency tes t  the item difficulty index  the validity index  the reliability index  objectiv e questions  subjective questions  multiple choice  cloze test  guided writing  correcting errors in a passage
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