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摘    要:Jeez老天(感叹语)A:Jeez,Jack!What happened to your computer?老天,杰克!你的电脑怎么了?B:I have to have it repaired.看来我不得不找人修了。hitch免费乘车A:How did you come here? 你怎么来的啊?B:I hitched a fide all the way to school with one of my friends. 我一路上搭一个朋友的便车到学校。a breeze易事A:Learning how to water-ski is really a breeze 学滑水真是容易。B:Really? 真的吗? crash住A:Thanks a lot for letting me crash at your house hst mght.Jane 简,多谢你昨晚让我住在你家。B:You are my friend.fight? 你是我的朋友,不是吗?

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