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摘    要:1.误 :He wants buy abook.正 :He wants to buy a book.说明 :有些动词后接动作宾语时 ,要用不定式。常跟动词不定式作宾语的动词还有 want、like、hate、 prefer、 hope、 try、 start、begin、forget、remember、decide、need、learn等。例如 :They began to read andwrite.2 .误 :The teacher told usreaching school early.正 :The teather told us toreach school early.误 :I didn't see you to comein.正 :I didn'tsee you come in.说明 :( 1) tell后须加动词不定式作宾补。常跟动词不定式作宾补的词有 tell、ask、help、want、l…

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