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摘    要:1.O ne day a m an asked hisguest (客人 )to stay for dinner.A ttable there w as only one cou-rse ofbeancurd(一道豆腐菜)。 某天, 一人留客吃饭,桌上只有一道豆腐菜。 nd,“Beancurd is m y life,andnothing else tastes (尝 )better than it.” 他对朋友说:“豆腐是我的 性命,什么也比不过它呀。” 3.Som e days later,the m an w en t to his guest’s hom e. H is2.The m an said to his frie- friend knew his special liking(嗜好)and m ixed som e beancurdin a fish course (一道鱼)and am e…

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