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基金项目:国家社科基金资助项目阶段性研究成果,项目批号为 06CZS013。
摘    要:突然发生的苏报案,使革命党人要面对安与危、生与死、留与逃的选择。由于个人气质、社会阅历、文化素养、社会背景的差异,章太炎、邹容、吴稚晖、陈范等人的表现很不一样。有的因官场有奥援,未被逮捕,亦未逃遁;有的自料大难临头,一走了之;有的能逃不逃,挺身就逮;有的激于义气,去而复返,慷慨入狱。英雄人物也是常人,章太炎怕独自承担罪名,简招邹容投案,审讯时又指使他人供出吴稚晖;邹容在法庭上为争取轻判表示已经放弃革命主张。一场大案展开的也是一幅世态人情图。

关 键 词:苏报案  俞明震  章太炎  邹容  

The Different Behaviors of the Revolutionists in the Subao Case
Abstract:The revolutionists had to make hard choice between the safety or danger, the living or death, the maintenance or escaping when the Subao Case happened suddenly. They made different choices based on their own personality, experiences, educational and social background: Zhang Shizhao and Wu Zhihui didn't flee away and were not captured, for the help from the officials; Chen Fan, the owner of the Subao newspaper House fled away immediately just after he were informed that his name were in the warrant; Zhang Ta...
Keywords:Subao Case  Yu Mingzhen  Zhang Taiyan  Zou Rong  
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