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摘    要:基于边际分析的古典框架,诉诸个案证伪的经验哲学,科斯成功地批驳了以庇古为代表的“外部性教条”传统,揭示了制度安排对于经济增长的内在实质,创立了新制度经济学说,推动了经济学研究范式的转换。科斯对经济分析方法的改变,对研究和解决我国现实经济问题具有重要的理论借鉴意义和实践作用。

关 键 词:边际分析  制度分析  经济学范式  外部性教条  个案证伪的经验哲学

Coases'approaches to institutional analysis and the shift of economics paradigm
Abstract:Basing on marginal analysis from classical economics, and appealing to the methodology of falsificationism through the detailed study of individual cases, Coase successfully refuted the doctrine of exteriority, which had been employed by Pigou to solve the problem of exteriority, and revealed the essence that institutional arrangement is the endogenous factor of economic growth. Through his approaches to institutional analysis, Coase founded Theory of New Institutional Economics, and impelled the shift of economics paradigm. From two single-example of case, it is fully testified that Coases change of method is useful to guide the practice.
Keywords:marginal analysis  institutional analysis  economics paradigm  doctrine of exteriority  methodology of falsificationism through the Detailed Study of Individual Cases
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