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Discussion and Perception of Information in Groups and Judge-Advisor Systems
Abstract:Participants were given information about three different vacation destinations to read before discussing them in a group. Some information was given to all three group members before the discussion (shared) and some information was only given to one participant (unshared). Participants were randomly assigned to discuss the issue in either unstructured groups or Judge-Advisor Systems (JASs). A JAS is a group in which one member has the role of decisionmaker and the other two members act as advisors to the decisionmaker. Participants in JASs discussed more information and repeated a higher percentage of both their own unshared information and others’ unshared information than participants in unstructured groups. The hypothesis that others’ unshared information would be rated as more important and valid in JASs than groups was not supported.
Keywords:Unshared Information  Information Sampling  Common Information Bias  Group Decision Making  Advice
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