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摘    要:旧金山在旧金山北边的伯耶萨湖里有个迷你岛,岛上的孤树遮天蔽日.那里是人们休闲放松的理想场所,而如今这座岛被称为黄道带岛。1969年9月.一起偶然袭击发生在两个年轻人身上,他们是22岁的塞西莉亚-谢巴德和20岁的布菜恩·哈特奈尔。杀手先将受害人绑起来,而后残忍地拿刀捅他们。行凶后,他在哈特奈尔的车窗上写道“凶器是刀”。一天后,谢巴德不治身亡,所幸的是哈特奈尔奇迹般地活了下来。这就是黄道带岛名字的由来。更多杀戳很快.越来越多的凶杀案接连发生.受害者通常是年轻男女:一共5死2伤。黄道带杀手最后一次行凶是在1969年10月11日。那天他坐上保罗-斯泰恩开的出租车.说要去旧金山斯蒂奥高地的某个地方。可是当出租车开到华盛顿枫树街和樱桃街交口的时候,杀手突然朝斯泰恩脑袋开枪.然后离开现场。但是这次他被人看到了。警察在该地区搜查疑犯时与杀手擦肩而过。差一点就抓到他了。备注在案件词查过程中.黄道带杀手一直在挑衅警方。他向警方和报社甚至向当地一位律师发过信件、便条和卡片,并介绍自己说:“我就是黄道带杀手……”在信中.黄道带杀手经常吹嘘死者人数并宜称杀人是为了预备奴隶好在天堂服侍他。更糟的是。杀手还威胁会投放炸弹和爆炸物。“他就像个恐怖分子。这就是犯罪动机。杀手心里一定在想,‘我能让整个城市人心惶惶’。”连环凶杀案小说家科特·罗利特说道。许多专家都相信,真正出自黄道带杀手的最后一封信是在1974年。信中对新上映的恐怖电影《驱魔人》做出了评价,“我看了《驱魔人》,感觉这是我看过的最好的一部讽刺喜剧了。”白那以后,黄道带杀手便销声匿迹了。

关 键 词:杀手  旧金山  恐怖分子  犯罪动机  恐怖电影  讽刺喜剧  凶杀案  出租车

Abstract:San Francisco There's a tiny island in Lake Berryessa just north of San Francisco. It's the perfect place for relaxation underneath the lone tree that provides shade from the sun. Now the island is known as Zodiac Island. The name was given after an unpremeditated attack in September 1969 on two young people: Cecelia Shephard, 22, and Bryan Hartnell, 20. The Zodiac tied them up and then stabbed them both in cold blood Then, he walked away, briefly stopping to write on Hartnell's car door, "By knife". Shephard died a day later, but, incredibly, Hartnell survived.killing in order to create slaves to serve him in paradise. Worse still, the notes contained threats of bombs and explosions. "He was like a terrorist. That was his motivation. He must have been thinking, 'I have brought a city to its knees'," said Curt Rowlett, a writer on serial killers. Many experts believe that the last genuine Zodiac letters were sent in 1974. One was a critique of the then recently-released horror film The Exorcist. "I saw and think The Exorcistwas the best satirical comedy that I have ever seen," the Zodiac wrote. Then the Zodiac went silent.
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