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摘    要:听力部分(加分)1.根据你所听到的内容,填上互为同音词。(l()分) 1 .Mr Green’s_15 reading in the_. 2 .Whar ean you_on the_. 3 .They often 90 to sehool_bu。,50 they don’t say“一一.二,r。eaeh other. 4.—Does Tom ofte,l_to his Penfl.iend ir- the USA? —Yes,you,re_. 5.— Do you_the man under the tree? —_,1 don.tn.听对话及问题,选择正确的答句。(5分) 1 .A.A bus.B.A big one. C .A ear.D.A big ship. 2 .A.Yes,he 15.B.Yes,he does. C .No,he isn,t.D.No,he doesn,t. 3 .A.About ten minutes. B .About t…

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