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摘    要:听力部分.情景反应。根据你听到的句子选择适当答语。.A.It,5 very eold inC .It,5 Sunday.winter here.B.The(5分)radio says it’sD .That,5 hard.Let,5 90wi,一(ly.and ask the teaeher.2 .A.I,mal汾aid not.Car一1 rake a message?C .Who are you?B .CertainlyHe伴you are.D .Could you answer the telephone,Please? 3 .A.That,5 ve卿kind of you· B .1,m looking for a books}loP. C .50叮,1 don,t know.You’d better ask the poli。:eman. D .Don,t wo叮.1 ean look after卿self. 4 .A.Thank you.I,d like just a gla…

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