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本文从三个方面对徐渭《玄抄类摘序说》进行解析:一、由于明朝整个时代的文化心理与社会文艺心态扭曲变形造成了明朝书坛日趋萎靡的书风,针对这个书法历史现状,徐渭提出此论。二、对徐渭书论中提出的雷太简“江声中笔法何从来哉”进行剖析,解释徐渭书论中所指出“悟”和“书神为最”与我国哲学的关系。三、从书法论著的发展史角度来分析“心为上,书神为最”这个书法论点,以及徐渭《玄抄类搞序说》的学术意义,阐述笔者所理解的书法本质,书法精神境界、审美境界和书法视觉表现形式。  相似文献   

蔡邕书论不但自觉地把语言学范畴的文字与美学范畴的书法区分开来,并且第一次较全面地、较系统地论述了书法美学的本质特征——书肇于自然、书法阴阳说、形、神、势、力、妙、书法的抒情性、“任情恣性”的创作自由状态。因此可以说蔡邕的书法美学思想是中国书法美学史上的第一块丰碑。他的书法美学思想启迪和影响了之后的书法美学理论和书法创作实践。  相似文献   

王僧虔,南朝齐书法家,也是书法理论家。他的成就更重要的是他的书法美学方面的建树。王僧虔的书论很多,现存书论有《论书》、《笔意赞》、《书赋》。文中提出了天然与工夫、笔力与媚好、形质与神采、情与思等赋于独到见解的美学思想。对后世影响很大。  相似文献   

“约象立名”和“书如其人”的书法心理思想研究朱晓玲一、“约象立名”的酝酿心理思想为语言寻找一种表达意蕴的图象形式,这是中国思维方式发展的一个重要标志①1、书法中的酝酿从历代书论中我们可以找到大量的用自然界的事物来比拟书法中的论述。可见书法的形成历经了...  相似文献   

唐代孙过庭的《书谱》包含着极为丰富的美学思想。孙氏将中国诗歌美学引入书论中,第一次在中国书法理论史上提出了书法表情达意的功能,并加以详尽的论述。《书谱》之中蕴含着极为丰富而深刻的辩证法思想。  相似文献   

六朝书法具有独特的特点;大家族书法队伍的出现;简札形式的出现,带来了人们审美心理的变化;形成一种前所未有的优雅的书风;书家、书论多。六朝书法的美学追求是:追求平和的审美境界;追求韵致美;骨、筋、肉美学范畴的提出;六朝美学中“类比”、“品藻”之风很盛;“意在笔先”说的提出;对“工夫”的重视;六朝书家、章更多地受道教、玄学的影响,书法字里行间有清气。六朝书法树立了个性价值的典范,书法美学追求有别于前及后的风度。  相似文献   

(一) 中国书论很早就肯定了书法能够传达、表现情感。“抒情说”在汉代就被提出来了。杨雄《法言·问神》说:“言,心声也,书,心画也。”这是把“言”、“书”和人的内心世界联系起来了。杨雄这里所说的“书”,并不是专指书法艺术,而接近于文字书写,但对后来书法艺术美学的抒情说影响很大。在汉代,真正第一个接触到书法艺术的抒情本质的,是大书家蔡邕。他在《笔论》中提出: 书者,散也。欲书先散怀抱,任情恣性,然后书之。若迫于事,虽中山兔毫,不能佳也。  相似文献   

  书法论文及作品多发表于《美术观察》、《书法报》、《书法导报》、《青少年书法》等刊物。论文《徐渭草书艺术及对当代书法创作的提示》曾获河南省教育厅主办的高校艺术教育科学论文大赛一等奖;书法作品行草书《明人书论》获“庆祝建国50周年爱我中华”全国书法大赛二等奖、《意临居延汉简》获山西省第四届临帖展三等奖、小楷《齐物论》获河南省首届全国电视书法大奖赛佳作奖。另有作品荣获第六、七届全国教师三笔字大赛一等奖、“建文杯”全国书法大赛优秀奖、河南省规范汉字书写大赛二等奖、“嵩阳杯”全国书法大赛优秀奖。书法作品曾入展山西省首届小品展、山西省第七届全省书法展、全国第三届扇面书法艺术展等。  相似文献   

徐渭以狂为指归的书法风格源于他独特的气质性情、心性修为的境界和与之相应的书法实践.本文以徐渭书风成因作为中心论题从以上三个方面展开论述.气质侧重对狂与敏感的辨析;心性修为集中从儒释道三家切入;而书法实践则具体着实在师法古人和创作的分析上.  相似文献   

唐朝 《教师》2013,(1):88-91
间架结构是指书法中汉字的各种构件的组织和布局。这个构件是指构成汉字的笔画及偏旁部首。清代冯班在《钝吟书要》中说:“书法无他秘,只有用笔和结构耳。”强调了结构在书法中的重要性。对于楷书的间架结构,古人做过艰苦的探索,积累了丰富的经验与成果,其中著名的有相传由唐朝欧阳询所作的《结体三十六法》、明朝李淳的《大字结构八十四法》、清朝黄自元的《间架结构摘要九十二法》。但古人这些成果对于今天的我们这些初学者来说,  相似文献   

笔迹分析在人才素质测评领域的研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
笔迹分析是以笔迹学、笔迹心理学为基础的新兴学科。过去研究表明,笔迹与个体人格特征有一定的联系,其科学性得到了普遍的肯定。所以笔迹分析已经进入很多人才素质测评领域,成为了常规测评人才素质的手段。但是笔迹分析的信度、效度问题一直是学术界争议的话题。研究者应从科学的角度出发,发展和完善笔迹心理学,让笔迹分析有更坚实的理论基础。从而为人才素质测评提供有利的手段和依据。  相似文献   

Handwriting is a complex human activity that entails an intricate blend of cognitive, kinesthetic, and perceptual-motor components. Children are expected to acquire a level of handwriting proficiency that enables them to make skillful use of handwriting as a tool to carry out their work at school. Poor handwriters have difficulty developing their writing skills and, as a result, often suffer in their educational and emotional development. This article highlights the importance of handwriting and reviews the development of methods used to evaluate handwriting difficulties. Included also is a discussion of methodological aspects of current handwriting evaluations and a presentation of research on the use of a computerized system that may be helpful in better understanding the handwriting process of poor writers. The article concludes by outlining future directions in handwriting evaluation that combine the assessment of the handwriting product with computerized analysis of the handwriting process.  相似文献   

高校英语专业的课程设置长期以来忽视了英文书写技能课程的重要性,导致当前广大英语学习者的英文书写质量极其低下。从《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》中写作项目具体的书写规范要求出发,探索一套适合我国高校英语专业学生的英文书写教学模式,并对英文书写课程具体教学内容进行相应的对策探讨势在必行。  相似文献   

Children with intellectual disabilities often struggle with handwriting, but there is very little research to inform intervention approaches. In this study, we developed a teaching manual based on Handwriting Without Tears®, a comprehensive handwriting programme designed for typically developing children. Three children with intellectual disabilities participated in the study and received handwriting instruction based on the manual three times a week over a 32‐week period. Our aims were to explore whether Handwriting Without Tears® can be used as a comprehensive handwriting curriculum for children with intellectual disabilities and to evaluate improvement in handwriting skills. We found that the intervention was successfully incorporated into small group teaching sessions within the child's regular classroom, and that all three children made improvements. Our data show promising results and support the need for larger evaluation studies.  相似文献   

书法是表达审美情感的一种特殊手段 ,同时又是提高修养和培养情操的一种途径。而我们许多人却往往忽视或淡化了它的美育功能。在今天 ,重视并强化书法的美育功能尤为重要  相似文献   

北宋之前书法中的"意"主要指心理意识、构思,笔墨效果、趣味,思想情感等;北宋书法之"意"已经发生了很大的变化,既追求笔墨意趣更注重个人情感的表达,彰显个性,抒发性情等,这对文人画影响很大,书画的娱乐性增强。  相似文献   

Handwriting has a low status and profile in literacy education in England and in recent years has attracted little attention from teachers, policy‐makers or researchers into mainstream educational processes. This article identifies a substantial programme of research into handwriting, including studies located in the domains of special needs education and psychology, suggesting that it is time to re‐evaluate the importance of handwriting in the teaching of literacy. Explorations of the way handwriting affects composing have opened up new avenues for research, screening and intervention, which have the potential to make a significant contribution to children's progress in learning to write. In particular, the role of orthographic motor integration and automaticity in handwriting is now seen as of key importance in composing. Evidence from existing studies suggests that handwriting intervention programmes may have a real impact on the composing skills of young writers. In particular, they could positively affect the progress of the many boys who struggle with writing throughout the primary school years.  相似文献   

创新教育是素质教育的重点 ,书法课具有培养学生创新人格、创新思维、创新技能的优势。但在传统书法教学中一些陈旧、落后的教学法阻碍压抑了创新教育的发展。在书法教学中应加强适应创新教育的教学方法研究。  相似文献   

Handwriting is a complex skill that, despite increasing use of computers, still plays a vital role in education. It is assumed that children will master letter formation at a relatively early stage in their school life, with handwriting fluency developing steadily until automaticity is attained. The capacity theory of writing suggests that as automaticity develops, the proportion of working memory dedicated to the mechanics of handwriting is reduced, releasing capacity for the planning, composing and editing of content. This study examined the handwriting ability of 284 mainstream primary school children and explored possible associated factors. Correlations were found between poor handwriting, lower cognitive and literacy scores, and a longer duration for handwriting tasks. Giving children the opportunity to practise their handwriting sufficiently to increase the level of automaticity may release working memory to be applied to the cognitive demands of the task and may potentially raise their level of attainment.  相似文献   

中国书法教育是以技巧开始 ,进行审美目标的选择、阐释技理 ,显示文化素养的形式美 ,以追求人格完善为终。它唤起历代受教者对艺术、对自身的郑重审视 ,从而成为具有文化素养等综合能力的人才。书教是手段 ,人教是目的 ,只有这样 ,才能使书教的美学理想逐渐成为现实。  相似文献   

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